M.S.I. Foundation

12230-106 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 3Z1
Phone: (780) 453-3847 | Fax: (780) 482-5445 | Email: [email protected]

Welcome to the M.S.I. Foundation

The M.S.I. Foundation is an Alberta-based health research funding organization fostering and supporting research into any aspect of the provision of health and allied services to the people of Alberta, and the promotion of matters of health in the interest of the people of Alberta. It derives its funding from an endowment established in 1970.

Foundations resources will be supporting novice and emerging investigators in the field of health services and population health research according to the following procedures.

The Foundation periodically issues an invitation to submit Letters of Intent. The timing and frequency of these invitations is determined by the Board of Trustees, based on the interests of the Foundation and the availability of funds. Letters of Intent or Proposals received at other times will not be considered.

The Foundation is not accepting Letters of Intent at this time. Another competition may be announced in the fall. Information concerning the Call for Letters of Intent, and the Guidelines for the Letters may be found under Application Procedures.